What’s new with Green Seattle Partnership?

1 Bandana, 6 Great Looks

1 Bandana, 6 Great Looks

Give Back, Get Back There are a lot of great benefits to volunteering with the Green Seattle Partnership: quality time outdoors, connecting with your community, exercise and good vibes! Sometimes there are extra perks too like free snacks and coffee, and even some...

See the Forest for the Teas

See the Forest for the Teas

Thirsty? Then try out some teas made from plants native to our local forests! You can make a native plant tea out of Douglas or Grand fir, Stinging nettle (yeah you read that right), and Nootka rose; and the process of making them is fairly easy! While Douglas and...

Because, Madrone

Because, Madrone

History of Seattle's Madrones In the late 1800s, explorers mistakenly named Seattle's Magnolia area after seeing an abundance of broadleaf evergreen trees common to the Salish Sea and Puget Trough – Arbutus menziesii or Pacific madrone. Nurtured by nature, we do have...

Millionth Hour Milestone

Millionth Hour Milestone

This is an exciting time for the Green Seattle Partnership. This month marks a major milestone: ONE MILLION VOLUNTEER HOURS! That is 6 zeros! Which equates to $24,501,670 of volunteer leverage! The Timeline As we head toward this achievement, we consider the timeline...

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