Who We Are
The Green Seattle Partnership is a collaboration between City of Seattle, community groups and non-profits, businesses, schools, and thousands of volunteers working together to restore and actively maintain the City’s forested parklands.
From the Blog
Closing in on 50,000 Survival Rings: How it Helps Our Forests Thrive!
Green Seattle Partnership has supported the cutting of 49,432 survival rings across the city. We would like to give a huge thank you to all our forest stewards and restoration crews who have dedicated their time to preserving Seattle’s historic forests! Crews...
Sharing Green Seattle with Summer Visitors from Near and Far
Green Seattle Partnership has been busy these last couple months welcoming visitors from around the world! What an honor to host attendees of the Greater Greener Conference, leadership and staff from NPO Birth in Tokyo, judges from the Green Flag Award, the UNEP...
Dive into your next read with GSP’s summer book list!
Summer is here, embrace the season with stories that connect you to the local land and people, examine the environmental challenges we face to foster ecosystem resiliency, and provide insightful narratives to our relationship with nature. From poetic reflections that...