What’s new with Green Seattle Partnership?

A Recap of 2020: We Built Community!

A Recap of 2020: We Built Community!

2020 looked different for the Green Seattle Partnership in many ways. The pandemic disrupted our volunteer events, reduced funding committed to restoration work, limited training activities, and hugely impacted partnerships with youth and school programs, not to...

MLK Day of Service 2021

MLK Day of Service 2021

Join us in celebrating MLK Day of Service.  Help us continue Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy of service by making January 18th a day on with us. We have small, COVID-safe volunteer opportunities on MLK day, and the weekend before all around the city, find one in...

Green Seattle Days 2020

Green Seattle Days 2020

Green Seattle Day, like all of 2020, was impacted by the pandemic. This year, the day of action was brought online and made it possible for us to engage outdoors on a personal level. Without the crowd, our celebration felt different this year and was certainly much...

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