What’s new with Green Seattle Partnership?
Meet the Amazing Lincoln Park Forest Steward Team!
The Lincoln Park Forest Steward team is a multigenerational group of three women: Sharon Baker, Lisa Zander, and Lisa McGinty. Together, they lead the stewardship of the forest in Lincoln Park and continually engage the community in the process. Their work has brought...
Youth Build Forest, Community, and Job Skills in 2020
Gen Z is here, and are stepping up as the next generation of environmental leaders around the world, and here in Seattle. The Green Seattle Partnership (GSP) provides youth engagement programs to build the next generation of stewards and leaders in Seattle’s forests....
Welcome to The UN Decade On Ecosystem Restoration
Roots in Restoration Since 2004, Green Seattle has been working with the community to support healthy forests throughout the city. Our work has been guided by the basic principles of restoration as our volunteers and partners actively work to create healthy forests in...
A Recap of 2020: We Built Community!
2020 looked different for the Green Seattle Partnership in many ways. The pandemic disrupted our volunteer events, reduced funding committed to restoration work, limited training activities, and hugely impacted partnerships with youth and school programs, not to...
MLK Day of Service 2021
Join us in celebrating MLK Day of Service. Help us continue Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy of service by making January 18th a day on with us. We have small, COVID-safe volunteer opportunities on MLK day, and the weekend before all around the city, find one in...
Green Seattle Days 2020
Green Seattle Day, like all of 2020, was impacted by the pandemic. This year, the day of action was brought online and made it possible for us to engage outdoors on a personal level. Without the crowd, our celebration felt different this year and was certainly much...
The Significance of Indigenous People’s Day
The second Monday of October was Indigenous People’s Day, but the continual celebration of Indigenous peoples and the recognition of their culture as well as their past is very important. Often, Indigenous peoples are displayed as relics of the past by popular media...
Seattle Forests Need Your Help!
Has this ever happened to you? You’re working at your restoration site, pulling holly seedlings or digging out blackberry root balls and making great progress, feeling good, you’re in the zone! You take a breather, grab your water bottle to take a drink and as you...
From Brazil to Seattle: An Exchange of Perspectives
Earlier this year I had the pleasure of talking to Kai Carlos Vasconcelos, an exchange student from Brazil who was here from January to June. Of course, the shape of everyday life changed dramatically during his time here, but one of the things he got to embrace was...
Exploring Historical and Contemporary Legacies of Racism in Seattle’s Green Spaces
The Intersection of Redlining and Parks Back during Black History Month, we ran a piece that highlighted and celebrated our Seattle Parks that are dedicated to Black visionaries. As people across the country are moving to educate themselves more on issues of white...
Relative Wildness: A Discussion with Elizabeth Lev
Recently I had the pleasure of sitting down with Elizabeth Lev, who co-authored the recently published paper, “Relatively Wild Urban Parks Can Promote Human Resilience and Flourishing: A Case Study of Discovery Park, Seattle, Washington.” This sparked immediate...
GSP Long-Term Monitoring Tells a Story of Improving Forest Health
GSP Forest Monitoring Program turns 10! Did you know that the Green Seattle Partnership has been systematically monitoring the structure and composition of Seattle’s forested parklands for ten years?!? While inventorying and measuring vegetation have been ongoing in...