What’s new with Green Seattle Partnership?
Thank You Shareholders!
game changer : a newly introduced element or factor that changes and existing situation or activity in a significant way You make it happen, rain-or-shine you show up, while others just talk about the problem, you actually do something about it | Together, we can...
Gamechangers and Beyond: last call to register for the Shareholder’s Meeting
Where can you check out the latest science from UW student researchers, pick up a free whistle from Safety Officer Marlin, get help navigating the CEDAR events portal, win cool prizes, eat a free dinner, and learn what's going on these days in the world of the Green...
This week in the parks: Sept 4-10
Hello friends, fans, and supporters of Seattle's urban forest! If you want to plug into a volunteer project this week, look no further than these upcoming events. Your parks need you - so pick a date and head outside to dig in with some hands-on forest restoration....
The half-way point: GSP’s 10-year Strategic Plan Update
It's been 10 years since the Green Seattle Partnership formed and began work on an ambitious 20-year strategic plan. How are we doing? Well, we're taking some time this year to dig into that question. The original 20-year plan set out to achieve these three goals by...
Call for outreach tables and project posters for the 5th Annual Shareholders meeting!
Fifth Annual Shareholder’s Meeting September 29, 2015, 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM South Seattle College Join us to present your project or program at the 5th Annual Shareholder’s Meeting! This year’s meeting will feature partner outreach tables and project posters while...
When Seattle Heats up, its Forests Stay Cool
Last week was a scorcher! According to the predictions of climate researchers, we can expect more and more weeks like these in our summers. But before you hop in your car and head to the movie theater or hardware store for an air conditioner, we’d like to offer an...
GSP Dashboard
In order to meet the overall GSP goal of re-establishing and maintaining healthy urban forests by the year 2025, we strive to meet a number of primary targets each and every year: 1) new acres of invasive plants removed, 2) plants installed (planted), 3) acres of weed...
Forest Stairways
The city is a big place that can take a lifetime to explore. Seattle has over 650 public stairs of varying lengths and elevation challenges, which allows us both an opportunity to see the Emerald City’s incredible assets as well as some great forests that you might...
Seward Park: The Gem of the Park System
Ever wonder how GSP prioritizes work, classifies forest health and measures success? This summer, we categorized 54 acres as “Phase IV” in Seward Park alone. This means those restoration zones meet much of our criteria for a healthy forest. It doesn't mean we are...
Mapping Restoration
Have you seen this map before? The GSP Reference Map helps us track restoration within individual parks while also monitoring progress citywide. We unveiled this new map last year on the ArcGIS Online platform, and it is a key tool in carrying out our goal to...
Parks: The Ultimate Outdoor Classroom
Bringing students into one of Seattle’s greenspaces allows students and educators to enter the ultimate outdoor classroom. It seems journal articles and newspaper/radio reports roll out weekly about the developmental and leardership-building benefits of getting kids...
Happy Native Plant Appreciation Week!
Why do native plants make our hearts skip a beat? So many reasons, we’re taking a whole week to tell you about it. Stick with us on the blog this week, as Forterra's Stewardship staff pens a love letter to the plants that help us do our best work. To understand the...