What’s new with Green Seattle Partnership?
2018 Accomplishments
As we wrap up our year end reporting, we measure ourselves using metrics that are easily quantified: 170,697 native plants installed in our projects, 4,177 of trees saved from the grips of invasive English ivy, 76,920 volunteer hours dedicated in support of our...
Partner Spotlight – Maritza Mendoza with EarthCorps
The Green Seattle Partnership is just that, a partnership. The phenomenal progress we have been able to make since 2005 is made possible entirely through the collaboration of all our partners. EarthCorps is one of the Green Seattle Partnership's original partners,...
Five Things You Can Do to Protect Seattle’s Resident Birds
Happy New Year from your friends at Seattle Audubon! We’re the oldest conservation organization in Washington State and one of the largest, most active Audubon chapters in the country. We lead a community of over 4,000 members in appreciating, understanding and...
Winter Twig ID
How are your plant identification skills? Are you wanting a little extra challenge? Have you ever been curious about a plant during the winter but couldn't tell what it was? Whether you're a beginner looking to spice up your winter hikes with a new skill, or seasoned...
MLK day on with GSP
Every year we take the third Monday in January off of work and school to celebrate and remember Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.. This year, spend the day giving back to your community, and the planet with the Green Seattle Partnership. We have events on MLK day, and the...
Community Partnerships in Seattle Parks
The Green Seattle Partnership (GSP) brings communities together to restore our public spaces through forest restoration events. These events bring neighbors together from all walks of life to work toward a shared goal of greening the city. There are several ways to...
Forest Steward Spotlight – Karuna Poole
At the Green Seattle Partnership we are thankful everyday for our Forest Stewards. Without this dedicated group of environmental ambassadors, the restoration work necessary to achieve our goals would simply not happen. As 2018 comes to a close we would like to...
The Seahawks aren’t the only Hawks in Seattle
Ed Deal, from the Seattle Cooper's Hawk Project, has had a busy year of monitoring our resident population of Cooper's Hawks. He and his dedicated team of volunteers made over 700 sight visits this year to increase our understanding of Cooper's Hawk nesting in...
Giving Tuesday: Give Back to Seattle’s Parks!
This time of year, there are a lot of campaigns out there geared towards our wallets like #BlackFriday, #SmallBusinessSaturday, and #CyberMonday. But how much have you heard about #GivingTuesday? #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social...
Imagining Green Seattle in 2028
On November 3rd, 1,145 community members spent the morning planting over 8,430 plants across 15 parks in Seattle. We are immensely thankful for the hard work of our wonderful volunteers. It is their dedication, year after year, that allows us to restore Seattle's...
Post Green Seattle Day – Now What?
So you volunteered for Green Seattle Day and you’re wondering, what’s next? First of all, thank you for coming out to volunteer with us! This year we were blown away by the number of volunteers that came out for Green Seattle Day. Secondly, there are so many ways to...
Green Seattle Day 2018 Achievements
Laying Roots in our Local Communities For Green Seattle Day 2018, we encouraged Seattle residents to have a hand in restoring their neighborhood parks; to not wander far from home, and to give back in their own neck-of-the-woods.This is because we acknowledge...