What’s new with Green Seattle Partnership?

World of the East Duwamish

World of the East Duwamish

Matthew Hilliard Day job: Corpsmember with Washington Conservation Corps Forest Steward at East Duwamish GS: Beacon Ave S (aka Horton)   My 1st priority for becoming a GSP forest steward was and still is to restore the ecosystems and habitat that have existed in...

Weathering Identity

Weathering Identity

A day without rain is like a day without sunshine -Weathering by A.R. Ammons There aren’t poems about Seattle’s dry summers. A week of cloudless, bright blue skies are as predictable and needed as the rain, as vital to growth. But Seattle has always been hesitant to...

Heron Watch 2016!

Heron Watch 2016!

Great Blue Herons are fascinating birds that can live up to 20 years. These majestic animals can grow to up to 4.5 feet tall and have a wingspan of over 6.5 feet wide, and they are living right in our wild backyard! Seattle is home to heron colonies in Kiwanis Ravine...

Unfading Stewardship

Unfading Stewardship

There is a certain kind of Seattleite that is driven to give plants some love and/or restoration of their community is a unifying force in their life. Collectively, we refer to them as the Forest Stewards. They are part of an ever-growing community in which forest...

Seattle Parks seek superhero volunteers!

Seattle Parks seek superhero volunteers!

Have you volunteered recently? If you have, let us take a minute to say a huge thank you! The Green Seattle Partnership could never do be what it is without your help. With thousands of people pitching in tens of thousands of hours at hundreds of events every year,...

Green-Duwamish Watershed Symposium 2016

Green-Duwamish Watershed Symposium 2016

Do you know that the Green River and the Duwamish River are actually one river, 65 miles long with its headwaters in the Cascade Mountains flowing through wilderness, farmlands, tribal lands, suburbs and dense urban areas?  Join us for a day of learning about this...

Green Seattle Day 2015 in pictures

Green Seattle Day 2015 in pictures

Thank you so much to all 792 of you who made the 10th Annual Green Seattle Day such a success! Together we planted 5,896 trees and other plants that are now taking their place in 16 forested parks throughout the City. We had a great day and hope you did too! Here are...

GSP 3rd Qtr Progress 2015

GSP 3rd Qtr Progress 2015

Back in the summer, we posted about the "Dashboard" and how it helps us track our progress citywide. Well, here it is again! As you can see the numbers keep going up. Looking at this Dashboard as we close out the 3rd quarter of the year, one can see we are nearing...

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