What’s new with Green Seattle Partnership?

The Wonders of Dirt

The Wonders of Dirt

Children playing in the dirt – muddying their pint-sized sweater vests and exposing themselves to billions of bacteria – may not be most parents’ idea of good health. A growing body of research, however, suggests exactly the opposite. From infancy to old age,...

Restore Your Holiday Decor!

Restore Your Holiday Decor!

It's that time of year. Temperatures are dropping and everyone is busy holiday shopping. Storefronts and front yards are decorated and dazzling for the holiday season; so we wanted to get in on the fun and to share some DIY holiday decorations with you that will help...

Much Ado about Mulch

Much Ado about Mulch

The plants that the Green Seattle Partnership(GSP) plants are very young, babies really, and we need to do everything we can to set them up to be able to grow and thrive. These helpful hints can be used for plants and trees in your yard as well as forest restoration...

The Herons of Commodore Park

The Herons of Commodore Park

Amidst the clamor of the Ballard Locks – loudspeakers blaring, trains rumbling, bells ringing, visitors shouting, and sea lions barking as they scoop up migrating salmon – you may catch the sound of an avian squawk. Looking closer, into a canal-side grove of red...

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