What’s new with Green Seattle Partnership?
The Wonders of Dirt
Children playing in the dirt – muddying their pint-sized sweater vests and exposing themselves to billions of bacteria – may not be most parents’ idea of good health. A growing body of research, however, suggests exactly the opposite. From infancy to old age,...
Restore Your Holiday Decor!
It's that time of year. Temperatures are dropping and everyone is busy holiday shopping. Storefronts and front yards are decorated and dazzling for the holiday season; so we wanted to get in on the fun and to share some DIY holiday decorations with you that will help...
Save The Date for 2018 Shareholders!
SAVE THE DATE for the annual GSP Shareholders Meeting on January 27th at Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center! This year's theme will focus on "Telling Our Story." Moving into the 14th year of our 20-year plan to restore our forested parklands, we...
Much Ado about Mulch
The plants that the Green Seattle Partnership(GSP) plants are very young, babies really, and we need to do everything we can to set them up to be able to grow and thrive. These helpful hints can be used for plants and trees in your yard as well as forest restoration...
The Herons of Commodore Park
Amidst the clamor of the Ballard Locks – loudspeakers blaring, trains rumbling, bells ringing, visitors shouting, and sea lions barking as they scoop up migrating salmon – you may catch the sound of an avian squawk. Looking closer, into a canal-side grove of red...
Green Seattle Day 2017 Success!
This year we broke some Green Seattle Day records and it's all thanks to you, our volunteers! Despite being the coldest November 4th on record since 1973, we still had over 1,200 volunteers come out to 22 parks for our 12th annual Green Seattle Day celebration! With...
Cooper’s Hawks in our Parks: Results from the 2017 Survey
"Five years ago I would never have believed there would be at least 44 nest-building pairs in Seattle." ~Ed Deal As the Green Seattle Partnership continues to restore Seattle’s forests, it is important to keep an eye on the local fauna gracing our parks. The...
My First Green Seattle Day – Taking a Look Back on Our Forests
Trees are the legacy of Green Seattle Day My first Green Seattle Day was 2008. I was a 25-year-old AmeriCorps volunteer with the Cascade Land Conservancy and it was my term’s opus to coordinate this volunteer event at Seward Park. 9 years later I can go back...
Flickers, wetlands, and trees: Our new restoration sites benefit entire urban havens
The end of summer heralds a new and exciting phase for the Green Seattle Partnership. As fall descends, many forested parklands are set to either begin their restoration, or start building on work first undertaken in 2016. One of these sites is Flicker Haven Natural...
Pollution Found in our Mosses Reveals Seattle’s Traffic Impacts
There is life up in the tree canopy. Amanda Bidwell climbs bigleaf maples. Finishing her Master's work at University of Washington last June, she just shared some dazzling and troubling results about hot-spots of heavy metal pollution in our epiphytic mosses. Her...
Seattle U lab studies wildlife responses to urban land use
Wildlife is one thing some people hope to spot in their favorite park, or even in their backyard. Green Seattle Partnership caught up with Professor Mark Jordan to hear some insights about a multi-year carnivore study his Seattle University Wildlife Lab is carrying...
Minimizing Mountain Beaver Damage
Each year Green Seattle Partnership staff and volunteers are working hard to restore forested parklands across the city. We are always on the lookout for better ways to get the work done. It could be a new tool, a new way to deal with weed debris, or remove a...