What’s new with Green Seattle Partnership?

Celebrate Earth Day with GSP!

Celebrate Earth Day with GSP!

Every April since 1970, people around the globe have gathered to stand up for the environment. From clean water to climate change to environmental justice, pro-Earth causes get the attention they so dearly deserve. Green Seattle Partnership's restoration work is...

Parks, History, and You

Parks, History, and You

Seattle has 485 parks and natural areas. Ever wonder how they got there? Each park has a unique story, a messy assemblage of history and ecology. Though this brief post cannot do justice to them all, it will tell a broad-stroke story of the park system. Early Days The...

The climate is changing, and so must we

The climate is changing, and so must we

It’s been a wild few days of weather – from spurts of hail to howling winds to shiny blue skies. While this cannot be completely attributed to climate change, it follows a trend of intensifying weather events. And it makes you wonder how the changing climate will...

Breaking Records in 2017!

Breaking Records in 2017!

In 2017 the Green Seattle Partnership (GSP) made some serious on-the-ground impacts in forested parklands across Seattle.   On the Ground Green Seattle has the ambitious goal to restore all 2,500 acres of forested parklands by 2025, and staff knew that 2017 had...

Outreach Practices. What Works Best?

Outreach Practices. What Works Best?

“Not all efforts will succeed, keep trying. Not just about getting volunteers (though that is important) it is also about being PART of your community.”- Lewis Park Steward How do Seattleites learn about volunteering at a Green Seattle restoration site? In a Forest...

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