Green Seattle Days 2020

Green Seattle Days 2020

Green Seattle Day, like all of 2020, was impacted by the pandemic. This year, the day of action was brought online and made it possible for us to engage outdoors on a personal level. Without the crowd, our celebration felt different this year and was certainly much...
MLK Day of Service 2020

MLK Day of Service 2020

Join us in celebrating the 25th MLK Day of Service.  Now, more than ever, our planet needs your service. Help us continue Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy of service by making Janurary 20th a day on with us. We have over 20 volunteer opportunities on MLK day,...
Green Seattle Day 2019

Green Seattle Day 2019

Green Seattle Day, It’s Official November 2nd, 2019 – the sun was shining, the air was crisp, and the parks were full! Green Seattle Day 2019 boasted the most gorgeous weather anyone there could remember. Not only was this year a smashing success, it was...
Earth Day 2019

Earth Day 2019

Indian plum is in full bloom, and another round of Himalayan blackberry buds are leafing out, you know what that means – Spring is here and Earth Day 2019 is upon us! It’s the perfect time of year to celebrate and give back to the beautiful planet we...
MLK day on with GSP

MLK day on with GSP

Every year we take the third Monday in January off of work and school to celebrate and remember Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.. This year, spend the day giving back to your community, and the planet with the Green Seattle Partnership. We have events on MLK day, and the...
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