by Justin Wilson | Sep 15, 2020 | At Home Resources, Restoration Resources
Has this ever happened to you? You’re working at your restoration site, pulling holly seedlings or digging out blackberry root balls and making great progress, feeling good, you’re in the zone! You take a breather, grab your water bottle to take a drink and as you...
by Green Seattle | Aug 30, 2020 | At Home Resources, Volunteer Spotlight
Earlier this year I had the pleasure of talking to Kai Carlos Vasconcelos, an exchange student from Brazil who was here from January to June. Of course, the shape of everyday life changed dramatically during his time here, but one of the things he got to embrace was...
by Green Seattle | Jul 14, 2020 | At Home Resources
The Intersection of Redlining and Parks Back during Black History Month, we ran a piece that highlighted and celebrated our Seattle Parks that are dedicated to Black visionaries. As people across the country are moving to educate themselves more on issues of white...
by Green Seattle | Jul 10, 2020 | At Home Resources, Science and Research
Recently I had the pleasure of sitting down with Elizabeth Lev, who co-authored the recently published paper, “Relatively Wild Urban Parks Can Promote Human Resilience and Flourishing: A Case Study of Discovery Park, Seattle, Washington.” This sparked immediate...
by Green Seattle | May 6, 2020 | At Home Resources, Find Your Forest
Right now we’re all working to balance our love of the outdoors and our need to keep our communities safe. This weekend, many major parks are closing to keep even the most well-meaning of folks from gathering in great abundances. But fear not! Seattle has...
by Green Seattle | May 1, 2020 | At Home Resources, Find Your Forest
During this past month we’ve celebrated the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and Native Plant Appreciation Month, all while adapting to the changing circumstances caused by the coronavirus. One of the most popular activities we’ve had the pleasure of sharing...