The city is a big place that can take a lifetime to explore. Seattle has over 650 public stairs of varying lengths and elevation challenges, which allows us both an opportunity to see the Emerald City’s incredible assets as well as some great forests that you might not otherwise visit.
Hilly History: The seven hills of Seattle is an unofficial designation that gives a nod to our local topography left behind by the retreat of glaciers in the past and the fact that the city of Seattle was built on and around these prominent topographical features. Where there are steep hills, one can generally find some forest and…Stairways.
Stair Country Chronicles: A big thanks to Doug Beyerlein, Susan Ralph and David Ott, and also Jake and Cathy Jaramillo, who started the efforts to inventory, chronicle and advocate for the stairways in Seattle.
Safety First: The public Stairways on the list below have 100 or more stairs (hence Stairways with a big “S”), which distinguishes them from other minor staircases in the city, and cross through 16 different Seattle parks. While most of these areas are very safe, please be aware of your surroundings at all times; Stairways are better explored during daylight hours. Some of the Stairways are within Seattle’s forested parkland, which offers a good variety of terrain and its own challenges with footing.
Trails and Stairways through the parks can be also confusing, so refer to this great, mobile-friendly Reference Map and ask directions if necessary. Here are a few of our favorite Stairways – grab your sneakers and check some out!
There are two major stairways in Lincoln Park that lead you up and down the western bluff near Colman Pool and the North Bluff. You can take some time to compare the North Bluff (in active forest restoration) vs. the Central Stairway (much of this section has yet to receive restoration work). Friends of Lincoln Park is a group of volunteers who are active in this regional park.
Lincoln Park Central Stairway: 125 stairs
Lower end: Near bottom of trail leading down to beach near pool
Upper end: Trail on top of bluff
Surface: wood and earth
Lincoln Park North Beach Stairway: 100 stairs
Lower end: Lincoln Park beach trail
Upper end: Lincoln Park bluff trail
Surface: wood and earth
Charlestown Stairway traverses the north end of the West Duwamish Greenbelt between the Pigeon Point neighborhood and the intersection of the Alki & Duwamish Trails. This is a fairly steep Stairway, in an obscure part of West Seattle that we often glance at while driving westbound from the West Seattle Freeway.
Charlestown Stairway: 227 stairs
Lower end: Marginal Place SW
Upper end: 19th Avenue SW
Surface: concrete
Graham West Stairway runs west-east through the Longfellow Creek Greenspace along the western ridge above Delridge Way. This Stairway connects the High Point neighborhood to the Longfellow Creek Trail. There are over 150 acres of forested parkland in the creek drainage!
Graham West Stairway: 140 stairs
Lower end: 26th Avenue SW
Upper end: High Point Dr SW
Surface: concrete
Myrtle East Stairway runs along the southern boundary of Delridge & Myrtle Greenspace. This greenspace is appropriately named because it lies at the junction with Delridge Way and Myrtle Street. A youth crew from the Student Conservation Association completed some invasive plant removal here in 2013, and then subsequently Seattle Parks Naturalists and Forest Stewards have hosted work parties here with students from Sanislo Elementary School (as part of the Urban Forestry Project) and Boren STEM.
Myrtle East Stairway: 170 stairs
Lower end: Delridge Way SW
Upper end: 21st Avenue SW
Surface: concrete
Lucile Stairway traverses Maple School Ravine, a neighborhood natural area on the western edge of Beacon Hill. Walking distance from Cleveland High School, this park is regularly visited by the eco-club with YMCA Earth Service Corps staff, but we still need a dedicated volunteer Forest Steward here. Let us know if you are interested by contacting!
Lucile Stairway: 158 stairs
Lower end: 18th Avenue S
Upper end: 20th Avenue S
Surface: concrete
Hanford Stairway connects Beacon Hill to the Rainier Valley through Cheasty Greenspace: Cheasty Boulevard. Forest Stewards here are collaborating with Friends of Mt. Baker Town Center to clean up and restore this area.
Hanford Stairway: 110 stairs
Lower end: Cheasty Boulevardd S
Upper end: 25th Avenue S
Surface: concrete
Colman Park Stairway through Colman Park highlights the P-Patch and twisty Lake Washington Boulevard. You get the chance to stroll through underpass tunnels and wooded trails.
Colman Park Stairway: 197 stairs
Lower end: Lake Washington Blvd
Upper end: 31st Avenue S
Surface: concrete and earth (dirt trail)
Parking: limited parking on 31st
Dose Stairway connects Mount Baker neighborhood to Mount Baker Beach through the middle of Colman Park (north side) and Mount Baker Park (south side).
Dose Stairway: 138 stairs
Lower end: Lake Washington Blvd
Upper end: 34th Avenue S
Surface: concrete
Frink Park Stairway winds through the southern end of Frink Park. Friends of Frink Park make the restoration magic happen here.
Frink Park Stairway: 187 stairs
Lower end: below Lake Washington Boulevard
Upper end: 31st Avenue South
Surface: earth and wood (dirt trail) and concrete
Madrona Park Stairway through Madrona Woods, sometimes referred to as the “Stairway to Heaven,” which one can follow from one end of the park to the other.
Madrona Park Stairway: 100 stairs
Lower end: Lake Washington Boulelvard
Upper end: East Grand Ave
Surface: wood and earth
Blaine Stairway through St. Marks Greenbelt is one of the tallest Stairways in the city. You can take a short side trip through the gorgeous Streissguth Gardens and a small, adjacent restoration area to the south.
Blaine Stairway: 293 stairs
Lower end: Lakeview Avenue E
Upper end: 10th Avenue E
Surface: concrete
Crescent and Interlaken Stairways both wind through the ravine in Interlaken Park. On hot days this is a cool place to visit. Friends of Interlaken-Boren Park host regular restoration work parties in the park.
Crescent Stairway: 103 stairs
Lower end: E Interlaken Boulevard
Upper end: Interlake Drive E
Surface: wood and earth
Interlaken Stairway: 101 stairs
Lower end: 22nd Avenue E
Upper end: Interlaken Drive E
Surface: wood/stone and earth
- T
here are two big Stairways at Golden Gardens. These are a couple of our favorites: the Golden Gardens Park Stairway Trail in the northern part of the park, and the NW 85th Stairway that gains several hundred feet from Golden Gardens Drive (past the aqueduct) up to 32nd Ave/85th St.
Golden Gardens Park Stairway Trail: 119 stairs
Lower end: Golden Gardens Park
Upper end: Golden Gardens Park
Surface: concrete on dirt trail
NW 85th St Stairway: 287 stairs
Lower end: Golden Gardens Drive NW (lower end)
Upper end: 32nd Avenue NW
Surface: concrete with some dirt stairs and dirt path
Discovery Park North Bluff, South Bluff, Hidden Valley and Kennedy 500 East are four Stairways that meander through the 534-acre Discovery Park, Seattle’s largest park. This place has it all: bluffs, creeks, madrone forests, and lots of elevation change. Check the GSP calendar – various Forest Stewards and partner organizations host work parties in Discovery every month.
Discovery Park North Bluff Stairway: 201 stairs
Lower end: North Shore Trail
Upper end: Loop Trail
Surface: wood and earth
Discovery Park Hidden Valley Stairway: 108 stairs
Lower end: Utah Avenue
Upper end: Loop Trail
Surface: wood and earth
Discovery Park South Bluff Stairway: 216 stairs
Lower end: Utah Avenue
Upper end: Loop Trail
Surface: wood and earth
Discovery Park Stairway: 112 stairs
Lower end: Loop Trail (in park)
Upper end: Louisana St (in park)
Surface: concrete
Kinnear Park Stairway on the Southwest corner of Queen Anne Hill highlights the new Stairway that connects Upper to Lower Kinnear Park. This Stairway is brand-spankingly-renovated thanks to Parks and Green Spaces Levy Opportunity Funding!
Kinnear Stairway: 108 stairs
Lower end: Lower Kinnear, near Roy Street end
Upper end: W Olympic Place, just west of 5th Avenue N
Surface: wood and earth
Middle Galer Stairway is part of the Galer Stairclimb complex. As one crosses Aurora Ave on the pedestrian overpass, there is a small greenspace on the west side of the highway/south side of the Stairway. You could make a side trip to nearby NE Queen Anne Greenbelt.
Middle Galer Stairway: 179 stairs
Lower end: Dexter Avenue N
Upper end: 6th Avenue N
Surface: concrete
Note: Stairway crosses Aurora Avenue on pedestrian overpass.
Explore More about Seattle’s Stairways
Beyerlein, Doug. Seattle Stairs. Community Walk.
Beyerlein, Doug. Stairs of the Pacific Northwest. Northwest Runner. October 2009.
Horton, Thomas. Queen Anne Public Stairs.
Jaramillo, Jake and Cathy. Seattle Stairway Walks: An Up-And-Down Guide To City Neighborhoods. Mountaineer Books. November 12, 2012.
Seattle Stairway Foot Tour Facebook Page
Seattle Stairway Walks.
Winn, Yitka. “Mission accomplished! Seattle’s 525 staircases ascended.” Outdoors NW. July/August 2010.
Yandel, Jeannie. The Hidden Legacy of Seattle Stairways. February 8, 2013.