Millionth Hour Milestone

Millionth Hour Milestone

This is an exciting time for the Green Seattle Partnership. This month marks a major milestone: ONE MILLION VOLUNTEER HOURS! That is 6 zeros! Which equates to $24,501,670 of volunteer leverage! The Timeline As we head toward this achievement, we consider the timeline...
Breaking Records in 2017!

Breaking Records in 2017!

In 2017 the Green Seattle Partnership (GSP) made some serious on-the-ground impacts in forested parklands across Seattle.   On the Ground Green Seattle has the ambitious goal to restore all 2,500 acres of forested parklands by 2025, and staff knew that 2017 had...
Outreach Practices. What Works Best?

Outreach Practices. What Works Best?

“Not all efforts will succeed, keep trying. Not just about getting volunteers (though that is important) it is also about being PART of your community.”- Lewis Park Steward How do Seattleites learn about volunteering at a Green Seattle restoration site? In a Forest...
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