Who We Are
The Green Seattle Partnership is a collaboration between City of Seattle, community groups and non-profits, businesses, schools, and thousands of volunteers working together to restore and actively maintain the City’s forested parklands.
From the Blog
In 2005, Green Seattle Partnership set out to undertake the restoration and care of 2500 acres of forested parklands across Seattle by 2025. This year, we’ll be looking back to celebrate our accomplishments, share stories, and reflect as we move towards the next 20...
Seattle Forest Week Recap 2024
Thank you to everyone who participated in Seattle Forest Week this year, from our partners who organized and hosted events to community members who showed up rain or shine! With the theme ‘Nurturing Forests and Futures: Youth Engagement in Seattle’s Urban Forest’,...
Seattle Representing! Global to Local Urban Ecological Restoration at COP16
Happy Seattle Forest Week to everyone! With leaves falling, mushrooms popping, and salmon coming home, we have returned again to our season of planting and celebration in Seattle’s forests! This year, Seattle Forest Week has included an extra special opportunity to...