The following list shows the plants which I have experimented with most frequently
Code | Genus/species | Common Name | Method | Images |
ALLCER | Allium cernuum | Nodding Onion | Collect black seed heads in OCT; dig and divide whole patches in NOV | Show |
ALNRUB | Alnus rubra | Red Alder | Look for seedlings under large trees and pot when a foot tall | Show |
AMEALN | Amelanchier alnifolia | Serviceberry,Saskatoon | Scatter berries collected in OCT | Show |
ANAMAR | Anaphalis margaritacea | Pearly Everlasting | Disturb soil around mature plants and shake in seeds in SEP | Show |
AQUFOR | Aquilegia formosa | Red Columbine | Shake mature seed heads in SEP or collect and scatter in new areas | Show |
ARBMEN | Arbutus menziesii | Pacific Madrone | Collect berries in NOV; ferment until JAN protected from rain; scatter on bare ground | Show |
ASTSUB | Aster subspicatus | Douglas Aster | Divide and transplant in MAR or let seeds scatter in Fall | Show |
ATHFIL | Athyrium filix-femina | Lady Fern | Divide root ball and re-plant or pot in NOV | Show |
CORSTO | Cornus stolonifera | Red Osier Dogwood | Cut branches and shove six inches or more into well saturated ground after NOV | Show |
DICFOR | Dicentra formosa | Bleeding Heart | Dig roots and pot short sections in NOV | Show |
ERILAN | Eriophyllum lanatum | Oregon Sunshine | Let plant go to seed on cleared ground and it will spread rapidly | Show |
FRACHI | Fragaria chiloensis | Dune Strawberry | Dig mature plants out of thick mat and pot or re-plant in NOV | Show |
GEUMAC | Geum macrophyllum | Big Leaved Avens | Let a mature plant go to seed and harvest small seedlings next Fall and pot | Show |
HERLAN | Heracleum lanatum | Cow Parsnip | Let go to seed and pot seedlings for new areas or let spread in wet areas | Show |
HOLDIS | Holodiscus discolor | Oceanspray | Cut new woody stems in NOV and stick into ground or pot | Show |
IRIDOU | Iris douglasiana | Douglas Iris | Divide and replant in pots or new areas in NOV | Show |
JUNEFF | Juncus effusus | Common Rush | Dig large plant and divide into small clumps and pot or transplant | Show |
LONHIS | Lonicera hispidula | Pink Honeysuckle | Cut mature branches and pot or watch for seedlings from berries and pot | Show |
LONINV | Lonicera involucrata | Black Twinberry | Cut any new growth and stick into ground or pots | Show |
LUPPOL | Lupinus polyphyllus | Big Leaved Lupine | Collect black seed heads in JUL before they pop and scatter on new ground by SEP | Show |
MAIDIL | Maianthemum dilatatum | False Lily of the Valley | Dig patch after top growth gone in OCT and pot root pieces and let grow a season or two | Show |
PHILEW | Philadelphus lewisii | Mock Orange | Cut new growth and pot or stick in ground in NOV | Show |
PHYCAP | Physocarpus capitata | Pacific Ninebark | Cut new growth and pot or stick in ground in NOV | Show |
POLMUN | Polystichum munitum | Sword Fern | Dig and divide large plant into 3-4 smaller ones and replant or pot in NOV | Show |
QUEGAR | Quercus garryana | Garry Oak | Cure acorns without worm holes in fridge for a month then pot for a year or two | Show |
RIBSAN | Ribes sanguineum | Red Flower Currant | Cut mature branches with strong buds in NOV and stick in humus until next NOV | Show |
ROSNUT | Rosa nutkana | Nootka Rose | Cut any branches and stick in pots or ground in NOV | Show |
RUBPAR | Rubus parviflorus | Thimbleberry | Cut any branches in NOV and stick in ground or pull rooted canes and re-plant pieces | Show |
RUBSPE | Rubus spectabilis | Salmonberry | Cut any branches and stick in pots or ground in NOV | Show |
SALSCO | Salix scouleriana | Scouler's Willow | Cut branches in NOV and stick in ground or layer low branches with lots of buds | Show |
SAMRAC | Sambucus racemosa | Red Elderberry | Cut branches in NOV and stick in ground or layer low branches with lots of buds | Show |
SOLCAN | Solidago canadensis | Canadian Goldenrod | Collect seed heads in the Fall and scatter | Show |
STACOO | Stachys cooleyae | Cooley's Hedge Nettle | Dig yellow roots in NOV and divide and re-bury | Show |
SYMALB | Symphoricarpos albus | Snowberry | Cut any branches in NOV and pot or stick in ground | Show |
TSUHET | Tsuga heterophylla | Pacific Hemlock | Gather cones under mature tree in OCT and scatter or transplant one foot seedlings | Show |