Discovery Park Plant Propagation by Tom Palm

The following list shows the plants which I have experimented with most frequently

Last Updated: 05/08/2010
Plant Propagation Methods
Code Genus/species Common Name Method Images
ALLCER Allium cernuum Nodding Onion Collect black seed heads in OCT; dig and divide whole patches in NOV Show
ALNRUB Alnus rubra Red Alder Look for seedlings under large trees and pot when a foot tall Show
AMEALN Amelanchier alnifolia Serviceberry,Saskatoon Scatter berries collected in OCT Show
ANAMAR Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly Everlasting Disturb soil around mature plants and shake in seeds in SEP Show
AQUFOR Aquilegia formosa Red Columbine Shake mature seed heads in SEP or collect and scatter in new areas Show
ARBMEN Arbutus menziesii Pacific Madrone Collect berries in NOV; ferment until JAN protected from rain; scatter on bare ground Show
ASTSUB Aster subspicatus Douglas Aster Divide and transplant in MAR or let seeds scatter in Fall Show
ATHFIL Athyrium filix-femina Lady Fern Divide root ball and re-plant or pot in NOV Show
CORSTO Cornus stolonifera Red Osier Dogwood Cut branches and shove six inches or more into well saturated ground after NOV Show
DICFOR Dicentra formosa Bleeding Heart Dig roots and pot short sections in NOV Show
ERILAN Eriophyllum lanatum Oregon Sunshine Let plant go to seed on cleared ground and it will spread rapidly Show
FRACHI Fragaria chiloensis Dune Strawberry Dig mature plants out of thick mat and pot or re-plant in NOV Show
GEUMAC Geum macrophyllum Big Leaved Avens Let a mature plant go to seed and harvest small seedlings next Fall and pot Show
HERLAN Heracleum lanatum Cow Parsnip Let go to seed and pot seedlings for new areas or let spread in wet areas Show
HOLDIS Holodiscus discolor Oceanspray Cut new woody stems in NOV and stick into ground or pot Show
IRIDOU Iris douglasiana Douglas Iris Divide and replant in pots or new areas in NOV Show
JUNEFF Juncus effusus Common Rush Dig large plant and divide into small clumps and pot or transplant Show
LONHIS Lonicera hispidula Pink Honeysuckle Cut mature branches and pot or watch for seedlings from berries and pot Show
LONINV Lonicera involucrata Black Twinberry Cut any new growth and stick into ground or pots Show
LUPPOL Lupinus polyphyllus Big Leaved Lupine Collect black seed heads in JUL before they pop and scatter on new ground by SEP Show
MAIDIL Maianthemum dilatatum False Lily of the Valley Dig patch after top growth gone in OCT and pot root pieces and let grow a season or two Show
PHILEW Philadelphus lewisii Mock Orange Cut new growth and pot or stick in ground in NOV Show
PHYCAP Physocarpus capitata Pacific Ninebark Cut new growth and pot or stick in ground in NOV Show
POLMUN Polystichum munitum Sword Fern Dig and divide large plant into 3-4 smaller ones and replant or pot in NOV Show
QUEGAR Quercus garryana Garry Oak Cure acorns without worm holes in fridge for a month then pot for a year or two Show
RIBSAN Ribes sanguineum Red Flower Currant Cut mature branches with strong buds in NOV and stick in humus until next NOV Show
ROSNUT Rosa nutkana Nootka Rose Cut any branches and stick in pots or ground in NOV Show
RUBPAR Rubus parviflorus Thimbleberry Cut any branches in NOV and stick in ground or pull rooted canes and re-plant pieces Show
RUBSPE Rubus spectabilis Salmonberry Cut any branches and stick in pots or ground in NOV Show
SALSCO Salix scouleriana Scouler's Willow Cut branches in NOV and stick in ground or layer low branches with lots of buds Show
SAMRAC Sambucus racemosa Red Elderberry Cut branches in NOV and stick in ground or layer low branches with lots of buds Show
SOLCAN Solidago canadensis Canadian Goldenrod Collect seed heads in the Fall and scatter Show
STACOO Stachys cooleyae Cooley's Hedge Nettle Dig yellow roots in NOV and divide and re-bury Show
SYMALB Symphoricarpos albus Snowberry Cut any branches in NOV and pot or stick in ground Show
TSUHET Tsuga heterophylla Pacific Hemlock Gather cones under mature tree in OCT and scatter or transplant one foot seedlings Show